Rollover has previously noted the comings and goings over at Comminsure, and now notes that the big insurer has managed to recruit someone who might be regarded as being from the other side of the tracks - Industry Fund Services Insurance Solutions executive, Robert Nunez.
Nunez has been on the industry funds side of the equation for nearly a decade and Rollover reckons his knowledge of that sector will not go astray as Comminsure continues its efforts to win group insurance mandates.
Given that Nunez has a long history in insurance, it is hardly a question of gamekeeper turned poacher, but he sure knows his way around.
With rainy weather abound in Sydney, Rollover was sat in front of his TV watching the smorgasbord of niche documentaries free-to-air has to offer.
As a history buff, Rollover is well-aware of the importance of the role the vanguard plays in a military force, as the leader at the front of battle.
Now that crypto investing is mainstream, with Rest Super announcing it will put a portion of its funds into it, Rollover wonders whether his grandkids will think he is hip when he shows them his crypto balance in his new digital wallet.
Rollover is almost as fascinated by superannuation fund mergers as the deputy chair of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Helen Rowell.