The overall quality of Australian superannuation funds and products is continuing to improve, according to the latest Heron Partnership Quality Star Ratings, with 89 funds representing all sectors of the industry earning the firm’s maximum five quality star rating.
The ratings, released to Super Review this week, saw funds as diverse as AMP Flexible Super, AustralianSuper Public Sector, IOOF Personal Super, EISS Super, HESTA, Sunsuper for Life and Telstra Super make it to the five quality star list.
Commenting on the results, Heron Partnership managing director, Chris Butler said the firm had been impressed by the continuing improvement in the overall quality of superannuation funs and products in Australia.
The company also looked at MySuper products and assigned 32 of them the top five quality star rating.
The firm is offering Australians lower fees and improved transparency with its exclusively exchange-traded fund (ETF) portfolios.
Senator Andrew Bragg has pressed funds that attended the super summit in the US, demanding answers on costs, compliance with their best financial interests duty, and the decision-making process behind their participation.
A top Treasury official has shed light on the confidential document that circulated among funds this month, telling Senate estimates Treasury is “testing a hypothesis”.
During Senate estimates, it was insinuated that if AustralianSuper had been a retail fund, it would have faced a much larger fine.