Revenue generated by the proposed $3 million superannuation tax should be “ring-fenced” to increase the Low-Income Superannuation Tax Offset, according to the Association of Superannuation Funds Australia (ASFA).
ASFA said new research makes a case for the introduction of measures aimed at redistributing revenue generated through the government’s proposed changes to those with balances over $3 million (Division 296) and those earning more than $250,000 per year (Division 293) to support low-income earners by enhancing LISTO.
Mary Delahunty, ASFA CEO, said by increasing support for low-income earners and ensuring fair tax contributions from those with substantial superannuation balances, the government could “foster a more balanced and equitable retirement system”.
ASFA is calling for $750 million of the revenue generated be ring-fenced to increase the LISTO threshold for those earning $37,000 to those earning $45,000, alongside boosting the maximum payment from $500 to $700.
It claims this change would benefit an additional 1.2 million Australians, the majority of whom are women and many of whom are young workers and workers from a non-English speaking background to significantly improve their financial security in retirement.
The research said that in real terms, this could mean a 35-year-old earning $44,000 could see their superannuation balance at retirement increase from $293,000 to $336,000.
“Division 296 and Division 293 aren’t just measures aimed at removing tax concessions for those with high super balances – it’s an opportunity to make society fairer and provide low-income workers with a more dignified and secure retirement,” said Delahunty.
ASFA is calling on the Parliament to adopt these recommendations, which will ensure a fairer and more dignified retirement for over 1.2 million low-income workers.
“This is about fairness – enhancing LISTO offers a powerful widespread impact for people’s retirement outcomes,” said Delahunty.
Super funds had a “tremendous month” in November, according to new data.
Australia faces a decade of deficits, with the sum of deficits over the next four years expected to overshoot forecasts by $21.8 billion.
APRA has raised an alarm about gaps in how superannuation trustees are managing the risks associated with unlisted assets, after releasing the findings of its latest review.
Compared to how funds were allocated to March this year, industry super funds have slightly decreased their allocation to infrastructure in the six months to September – dropping from 11 per cent to 10.6 per cent, according to the latest APRA data.