HESTA has removed energy company Origin from its watchlist of stocks after the company made improvements to its climate strategy.
Improvements included divesting interests in the Beetaloo Basin and its intention to exit upstream exploration permits and articulating a climate strategy consistent with a 1.5oC pathway.
HESTA said: “We believe Origin has articulated a climate strategy consistent with a 1.5oC pathway and that their change in strategic direction will better support their ambitions to lead the energy transition through cleaner energy and customer solutions.”
However, the super fund said there were still areas of improvement for the firm’s Climate Transition Action Plan.
“It’s our view that Origin could play a more active role in supporting a just transition for affected communities. We also ask Origin to consider how it can leverage its membership of industry associations to advocate for greater alignment with their climate strategy and commitment with a 1.5°C pathway.”
The Super Members Council (SMC) has called for a removal of the “outdated” 30-hour threshold for workers under 18 to guarantee all young Australian workers receive a super start to work.
SuperRatings has shared the median estimated return for balanced superannuation funds for the calendar year 2024.
The $90 billion fund delivered double-digit returns in its flagship Growth option last year and remains optimistic for 2025.
A strategic overweight to US and global equities along with an increased exposure to private debt and diversified credit has seen AMP deliver a return of more than 15 per cent for its three largest Lifestage cohorts in 2024.