Any code of conduct covering insurance inside superannuation needs to be enforceable on superannuation funds and insurers from the get-go, according to plaintiff law firm Maurice Blackburn.
Maurice Blackburn principal, Josh Mennen warned against any watering down stating it was essential that the Insurance in Superannuation Working Group (ISWG) guaranteed that all parties, including trustees, were bound by the final code of conduct.
“The ISWG appear to be considering watering down the crucial objective that all trustees of regulated super funds be bound by the code from inception,” he said and noted reported comments that the final code might not be enforceable to begin with.
“To the extent that the concerns raised in submissions have merit, they can and should be resolved to ensure that all trustees are on board when the code comes into force in 2018,” Mennen said.
The law firm cautioned against the ISWG allowing concerns about conflicts between the code and the provisions of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act being allowed to substantially erode the value of the code.
“The ISWG process must ensure any final code from the get-go has teeth or it risks having all the bite of a month-old lettuce. It must be enforceable with regulatory oversight and binding,” Mennen said.
“For the ISWG to concede that it is comfortable with releasing a final code that might ‘start non-binding’ and that if ‘enough sign up from the outset it will become the industry standard’ undermines the basic objective of an enforceable code of conduct,” he said.
Following a successful 2024 buoyed by the performance of US equities, AMP’s head of portfolio management, Stuart Eliot, believes opportunities still abound on the other side of the pond.
In its pre-election policy document, the FSC highlighted 15 priority reforms, with superannuation featuring prominently, urging both major parties to avoid changing super taxes without a comprehensive tax review.
The Grattan Institute has labelled the Australian super system as “too complicated” and has proposed a three-pronged reform strategy to simplify superannuation in retirement.
Super funds delivered a strong 2024 result, with the median growth fund returning 11.4 per cent, driven by strong international sharemarket performance, new data has shown.