The Senate Economics Reference Committee has referred an inquiry into improving the Australian retirement system.
The inquiry Improving consumers experience, choice and outcomes in Australia’s retirement system will report by 30 June 2024.
Its term of reference states it will cover:
A statement from Senator Andrew Bragg, chair of the committee, highlighted the focus on insurance in super and aged care.
“The 2023 Intergenerational Report projects a 70 per cent increase in per capita expenditure on aged care over the next 40 years. Our inquiry will examine the merits of an aged care insurance product to futureproof our aged care system.
“In addition, the Inquiry will examine how to improve customer experiences and choice in insurance.
“Over the last 12 months, complaints about death benefits offered by super funds rose by 136 per cent. There is a systemic problem with these products, which the government has failed to address.”
Senator Andrew Bragg has pressed funds that attended the super summit in the US, demanding answers on costs, compliance with their best financial interests duty, and the decision-making process behind their participation.
A top Treasury official has shed light on the confidential document that circulated among funds this month, telling Senate estimates Treasury is “testing a hypothesis”.
During Senate estimates, it was insinuated that if AustralianSuper had been a retail fund, it would have faced a much larger fine.
Just months after exceeding $4 trillion in assets, Australia’s super industry continues to grow at pace.